If you’re overwhelmed with coursework, employment, family or relationship issues, or just need a safe place to re-set, Penn State Altoona has Relaxation Spaces on both the Ivyside and downtown campuses.
The spaces include sensory items, massage chairs, oil diffusers, floor cushions, coloring books and pencils, weighted blankets, sand trays, and sound machines.
ALTOONA, Pa. — If you’re overwhelmed with coursework, employment, family or relationship issues, or just need a safe place to reset, Penn State Altoona has relaxation spaces on both the Ivyside and downtown campuses.
The spaces include sensory items, massage chairs, oil diffusers, floor cushions, coloring books and pencils, weighted blankets, sand trays, and sound machines.
Relaxation rooms are available at the following locations:
102 Aaron Building, downtown campus
This relaxation space is available for up to three individuals per half hour on a first-come, first-served basis. -
Belonging Center, C112 Smith Building, Ivyside Campus
This space is available for up to five people on a first-come, first-served basis. -
Sheetz Family Center, Ivyside Campus
This relaxation space is available for individual use for thirty-minute increments. Reservations are required.
These spaces are for everyone. Be mindful of others, and remember the purpose is for relaxation. Please use other available spaces for studying, using your cellphone, and group discussions.
The relaxation spaces are funded through The Jamie Cordial Hall Foundation and the Student Initiated Fee.